Welcome to my reality

First you should know

About the me

I’m a self-sustaining pattern without clear borders that gained self-awareness at some point and now has the ability to conceive itself through dimensions of time and space. I’m a temporary collection of atoms, a unique frequency of the transcendental realm, a part of a whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space.

Nothing comes before my freedom. Very in touch with my feelings and the feelings of others. The main elements of my reality are my intuition, wisdom, joy, satisfaction, and curiosity. The world for me is full of mystery, and is made up of so many different things, frequencies which are all constantly simulating my imagination. My reality is painted in multitude of beautiful colors, and I’m always looking at it through the prism of creativity. I can turn anything into something positive, and I never look for simple answers to life’s questions. I live my life in constant anticipation of experiencing something new and wonderful.

The time has come to do something new.

The rhythm is my guiding light.

How do I survive


Software Engineering

0's and 1's, I've spent majority of my adulthood learning how to best put them together to outcome certain functionality. It enriched my hands of production, and gave me joy. I love it!

Graphic Design

I always had this artistic inclinations toward reality. I always dared to see the world as what it coul be, and never accepted what it appears to be.


To get really high is to forget yourself. And to forget yourself is to see everything else. And to see everything else is to become an understanding molecule in evolution, a conscious tool of the universe


There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.


Harmonize yourself with the frequencies of this reality and be filled with infinite joy.

Motion Design

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. What if I create some videos that generates a new stream of ideology ?

  • Writings

    a piece of mind

  • Elysium Fields

    The rhythm of my frequencies

  • Hola Logo

    The circles

  • Computer Science Graphics


  • Showlaa

    Sacred geomtry

  • Fotorex

    An e-commerce

  • Aplic

    Conference website

  • Whyexcel

    Corporate Website

  • Kylansarees

    An e-commerce

  • Zeenodesign

    Interior Website

  • Pouyaraveshan

    An e-commerce

  • Sk Lifestyles

    Creative and minimal

  • Resimax

    Interior Website

  • TEEIP.com

    Corporate and Professional

  • Cakecreative

    Creative, Minimal

How is my work

Process Flow

  • Requirement Specification
  • Proposal
  • Development
  • Deployment and Hand over
Hear some of

my favorite quotes

Posts from


December 30, 2016

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool i’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything, all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrasment or failure, these things just fade away in the face of death. Remembering that you are going to die is […]

December 30, 2016

Ideally, what should be said to every child, repeatedly, throughout his or her school life is something like this: ‘You are in the process of being indoctrinated. We have not yet evolved a system of education that is not a system of indoctrination. We are sorry, but it is the best we can do. What […]

December 30, 2016

it’s breaking to consider You have two eyes, each composed of 130 million photoreceptor cells. In each one of those cells, there are 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) atoms — that’s more than all the starts in the milky way galaxy. However, each atom in each cell in each eye formed in the core of a star, […]

October 20, 2015

They say they understand life without psychedelics, that’s like believing you understand Los Angeles, if you have the telephone directory. This is the level of genetics today. They say they understand life, and they have the telephone directory and they are talking about los angeles, because they can look it up, where the genes are, […]

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